Yesterday afternoon, with my new puppy, Lucy, tucked under my arm, I had the pleasure of signing books at Book Expo America.Attended this year by the likes of Barbra Streisand and Sarah Ferguson, among thousands of others, it’s the largest annual book trade fair in the U.S., a frenetic free for all with publishers showcasing their new books, agents networking for new projects, booksellers scouting out the latest titles–all of it filling the Javits Center featuring authors, librarians, and buyers for book retailers.
My upcoming book, KATIE: Up and Down the Hall, was featured in Hachette’s large Center Street display. What was planned as a 1-hour book signing stretched into 2 hours–as hundreds of dog lovers lined up to shake Lucy’s paw and learn more about the story of how Katie changed my world and the lives of so many people in our Battery Park City neighborhood.
We’ve been so fortunate to have the support of Celebrity testimonials and a review from Publishers Weekly, but this was the first time I actually had the chance to get outside and mingle with retailers, readers, and dog lovers–so many of whom shared their personal stories about how their dogs have changed their lives. “My dog died ten years ago,” one woman told me, “and I’m still thinking of her every single day. I can’t wait to read your book,” and off she went.
I wanted to share with you some of the photos from yesterday, that tell the entire story, from start to finish. I hope you enjoy seeing them. Just to orient you, the blonde young woman in many of these pictures is Hachette Book Group’s new director of publicity, Shanon Stowe, a passionate dog lover, and a wonderfully supportive friend and colleague. There was Hachette’s marketing genius, Martha Otis, also a dog lover with two Labs (neither in attendance.) Also in the pictures you’ll see my incredible publicists–the legendary Lynn Goldberg and Angela Hayes. Behind it all, of course, is the great Harry Helm, Editorial Director and Marketing Director at Center Street, a basset hound lover, and the greatest editor imaginable. Take a look.