Better Than Prozac–A Foolproof Way To Vanquish Any ‘Down’ Mood–EXERCISE

Posted April 16th, 2010 in Health, Reflections by Glenn Plaskin
Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

Ever wake up feeling anxious, worried, down, or depressed? Hello!

Approximately 20 million Americans are taking anti-depressants–and that number doesn’t include anti-anxiety medications and sleeping pills.

As for the cause of our collective angst, just about anything can trigger it–financial worries, stress about work, health problems, an accident of fate, phantoms from the past, relationship “issues,”or even rainy weather. And very often, there’s no reason at all, for moods are unpredictable, fluctuating for reasons even a forensic psychiatrist may never explain.

But like the weather, our emotional storm clouds do come–and then go. But rather than being a slave to our moods, and reactive to them, there is, I’ve discovered, a reliable and FAST way to turn a dark mood into a bright one. It’s a remedy that’s better than Prozac, and something I do every day that lifts me up when I’m down.

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“God Can Appear In Many Disguises–Even As A Dog,” says the brilliant Wayne Dyer

Posted April 16th, 2010 in Katie, Reflections by Glenn Plaskin
Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer

My great friend Wayne Dyer is a wise and generous spirit, residing peacefully in Hawaii listening to the rhythm of the waves as he writes his brilliant New York Times bestsellers, the latest being “The Shift,” also a movie starring Portia de Rossi.

It’s an illuminating expose on moving “from ambition to meaning,” away from ego, he says, and into “the afternoon of life where everything is influenced by purpose.”

Instead of constantly pursuing “more stuff–more accomplishments, status, and money,” we shift in the opposite direction toward feeling more meaning and purpose in our lives.

When I asked Wayne to read my upcoming book, Katie Up and Down The Hall, I couldn’t imagine what this charismatic sage might say about it.

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